Creative Computers
Creative Computers CD-ROM, Volume 1 (Legendary Design Technologies, Inc.)(1994).iso
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* *
* Changes made to 'The Sound Machine' *
* *
* Last Public Release: v1.0 *
* This revision: v1.5 *
* *
*Copyright ©1993-94 Legendary Design Technologies Inc. All Rights Reserved*
* This program may be freely distributed, but remains copyrighted. *
* *
* Written by Syd L. Bolton *
Welcome to The Sound Machine, v1.5!
First of all, I would like to thank all of the many people who
called, faxed, and wrote letters regarding this program. It has been by
far the most successful (in terms of user-feedback) program I have written
that has been in the freely distributable category. IT IS BECAUSE OF THESE
The following enhancements have been made since v1.0:
* TSM can now read 16-bit WAV files (16 bits are converted to 8 bits
automatically for playback on standard Amiga hardware)
* TSM can now read and write STEREO WAV files (both 8 and 16 bit)
* TSM now has support for bypassing the low-pass filter for improved sound
SMPLAY (the command-line version)
* New command line parameter: 'F' - turns OFF the low-pass filter for
improved sound. Automatically turned back on after playing.
* All command-line options can now be UPPER or lower-case
* Strange bug that caused many users a 'SMPlay failed: return code 2048'
is now gone. It's fixed but it was still an odd bug - looks like a
compiler problem.
* Can play stereo and 16-bit files as described above
THE SOUND MACHINE (Intuition version)
* New menu added: 'SPECIAL'
* FORCE RAW LOADING: Use this option to force a file into RAM as RAW.
This is useful for files that are corrupt, and also for loading
multi-dac VOC files (for example, most VOC files that are large
will require this as they are broken up into segments. The drawback
is that you might hear a 'click' every few seconds (the header info)
but then again you could always save it as IFF and edit it somewhere
else). Thanks to Mark Odell for the idea.
* PLAY SAMPLE AFTER LOADING: When this menu function is turned on,
samples are played automatically after being loaded. This is handy
as it will save you time.
* LOW PASS FILTER: Turning off the low pass filter can improve sound
playback with certain samples. Notice your power LED may DIM or
turn off - this is completely normal.
* Graphing has been improved to be window-size sensitive, and also it will
graph a stereo sample
* You can now re-size the main TSM window. The default is 640x200, but if
you have a larger Workbench you can re-size the window - any sound sample
graph will be re-drawn. For setting default window sizes, see the section
on tool-types.
* You may now stop a sample playing! When you click 'PLAY' the gadget
changes to 'STOP'. Click again to stop the sample playing.
* Bugs that caused TSM to crash when loading stereo WAV's etc. are now gone
because the program can now load them. Also, problems with TSM eating
memory every time it was run when certain libraries weren't present is
now gone.
* ICON TOOLTYPES SUPPORT: You can now modify the following ToolTypes to
customize TSM to your liking: (these show the defaults)
* WINDOWX=0 - set the upper-left X coordinate of the Window.
* WINDOWY=0 - set the upper-left Y coordinate of the Window.
* WINDOWWIDTH=640 - set the width of the Window.
* WINDOWHEIGHT=200 - set the height of the Window.
* AUTOPLAY=No - set to Yes for auto playback after loading
* FORCERAW=No - set to Yes for forcing RAW sample loading
* LOWPASSFILTER=Yes - set to No for improved sound quality
* DEFAULTRATE=10000 - set to the desired default playback rate for RAW
* Support for ASL13.LIBRARY? TSM will attempt to use the ASL13.LIBRARY if
you are running WB1.3, but we were unable to test this feature at release
time. If it does not work, the REQ.LIBRARY still will. We need a full
copy of the docs/distribution file for ASL13.LIBRARY. If anybody has it,
please send it to us on disk. We will return the favour.
All these new features, and look at the filesizes:
Name Original Version New Version Increase
SMPlay 17284 19432 2148 (2k!)
The Sound Machine 32748 38208 5460 (5k!)
Not too bad.
Unfortunately, not all of the new features requested were able to be put in.
There are many things we would like to add, most notably support for files
that are larger than RAM (although you might wish to consider GIGAMEM) and
batch conversion. However, we are a commercial software company and we
can't spend too much time on a program that doesn't make any money. We
don't believe in asking for the whole shareware thing, since it RARELY works.
Most Amiga shareware programs are registered by less than 20 people. It's
absolutely terrible. What people have to realize is that Amiga software
companies like ours will have to take some more of its programs commercial
to make enough money to survive. Software companies on the Amiga are not
rich. There are no MICROSOFT's in the Amiga world. For this reason, the
next release of THE SOUND MACHINE may be commercial. We hope that you will
consider supporting us in this venture. If you would like to be contacted
for information on a special introductory offer (all of the things promised
in the past and more will be in the commercial version), would like to offer
some suggestions, or would like to be mailed information on our other Amiga
programs, please call, write or fax us. We would be happy to send you the
information free of charge! We also provide free demos of our software.
Thank you for using and supporting The Sound Machine. Remember, your
feedback counts!
Syd Bolton, President
In Canada/International:
Legendary Design Technologies Inc.
25 Frontenac Avenue
Brantford, ON N3R 3B7
(519) 753-6120 voice/fax
In the United States:
Legendary Design Technologies Inc.
P.O. Box 1147
Lewiston, NY 14092-8147
(519) 753-6120 voice/fax
Call our support BBS, starting August 1, 1994: (519) 753-5052.